Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday cheer and not-so-much

Things are a mixed bag here in our world, as usual. I will start with the positive. Christmas season is here, and we are enjoying it. We have a lovely little tree up with tons of fun decorations for Olivia to look at (and sometimes fun for her to take off the tree, too). She has gotten to see several of the traditional holiday movies/TV shows. Her favorites are Frosty the Snowman and Polar Express. We also went to a holiday concert at a nearby church. MiMi came with us. Olivia absolutely loved it, and she was so well behaved. Last night, we went to look at Christmas lights. We finally got to see the well-known and popular Markwell Ave light show. It is an entire block of houses all lit up and synchronized to the music on a specific radio station. It was SO cool!

Now for the not-so-fun times going on...Olivia has been increasingly having behavioral and communication difficulties. It has really been going on since the last status seizure, but it almost seems like it has gotten worse overnight. The past week has been full of frustration, anxiety and fear. In fact, I'm not even going to be able to truly finish this post because she is building up to a meltdown as I type. I have no idea what is going on. I emailed my thoughts and outlined the issues to our neuro yesterday, and she promised to email me back today.

Please lift Olivia up in prayer that this is A) something I can fix somehow, and B) that it is temporary and not progression of the Dravet.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season!


  1. I'm so sorry about this frustrating and scary development.I hope the doc gets back to you quickly and with feedback that will make it better. Thinking of you two sweet girlies.

  2. Love you Hillary. I am so sorry that you have this huge unknown issue. We will pray for you both. loveyou
