Monday, December 6, 2010

Just start where you are....

Life at this moment is...a little stressful!  Olivia needs a nap, but you can't tell her that!!  Ha.  I spose this may not be the best day to start the blog as I have several things weighing on my mind and shoulders, so my positivity is wanning today.  But!  It has taken me the better part of a week just to get this thing up and running---not because it was hard technically, but because it was hard to find enough time all at once.  Sooooo, I'm starting it today no matter what!  Stubborn?  Sigh.  Very.

I wanted to post the link to a very informative website regarding Olivia's condition, Dravet Spectrum Disorder (a rare form of epilepsy).

Olivia had a seizure (GTC-generalized tonic-clonic, formerly referred to as grand mal) while a occupational therapy this week, so we have been pretty low key since then.  This is such a worrisome time of year with all the illness going around.  Any little virus or whatnot can pose a serious threat to Olivia as they can potentially induce a life-threatening seizure.

Well, I would love to type more, but Olivia is about to dump an entire box of Elmo crackers on herself!!  haha

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