Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday morning for real

Life at this moment is.....hectic, as usual.  It never ceases to amaze how quickly Olivia can cause destruction.  We were sitting here this morning going through the usual morning routine (Sesame Street, milk in a bottle and some dry cereal).  In lieu of watching the Sesame Street for zillionth time in a row, I have taken to my laptop during these times (Good blogging time I'm hoping).  She hopped up and was dancing around to some singing--nothing unusual there.  Then, she started turning circles, laughing and doing little laps around her Dora couch, more laughing.  I was watching her smiling and talking to her when my Mom Radar must have kicked in....she was TOO HAPPY.  Hahaha.  I leaned forward to look at the floor beside her couch and SURE ENOUGH!  That turkey had somehow managed to dump a huge amount of her milk on the floor was marching it all around---hence the circles and laps with all the accompanying laughs.  I had to spring into fast action to get it all cleaned up.  What a mess she had made and so quickly.  Like I said, never ceases to amaze me.

In other news, I got a call from her pediatrician this morning.  He was reporting her lab results to me.  Her UTI has come back.  He said the good thing is the antibiotic they started her on Friday (for the ear infection) is the same one he would use for the UTI.  So, we are already doing what we need to do.  She will go back for a follow-up appt w/him in about 14 days.  She was quite a bit sicker when she had the last seizure (the one caused by her last UTI), so I'm still not convinced that this past one was actually caused by this UTI or ear infection.  But, truly so much of her condition is a guessing game.  This time in her life is when protocols and precedents are being set, so hypotheses and research are vital.  It does weigh heavily on my shoulders, though, that I might "guess" incorrectly or make the wrong decision.  Thank the Lord for that Mom Radar.  It is very useful!!

Well, we gotta get moving along.  Olivia is going to hang out with her friend Parker while I go get a flu shot.

Think we will get any snow tomorrow??

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're blogging again! Love you and that little girlie too. And miss you both desperately. I'd love to have you all over for dinner but am cautious because of germs. No one is sick here but I'll leave that decision up to you. After school is out would be best because we're swamped almost every night until then!
